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What is a Mickey?

Last updated on Jan. 27, 2021, 7:20 a.m. by patilsmita

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The Speed of a Computer

The speed of the mouse is the ratio between how many pixels the cursor moves on the screen and how many centimeters you move the mouse on the mouse pad. 1 Mickey is the smallest measurable movement of a computer mouse, typically equal to 1/200th of an inch or just over 0.1mm. The sensitivity of a computer mouse is likewise measured in ‘mickeys-per-inch’, while its speed is measured in ‘mickeys-per-second’.

It was introduced through Microsoft documentation for their universal mouse drivers back in the 1980s. The term is also modified to ‘pixels-per-mickey’ to refer to more specific measurements such as how far the cursor moves on the screen relative to the movement of the physical mouse. As well as ‘horizontal mickey count’ and ‘vertical mickey count’ to refer to horizontal and vertical movements.


by patilsmita

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